pre configuration of OpenOffice

Philipp Hanselmann philipp at
Tue Aug 7 14:56:29 BST 2007

Hi John,

Thanks is now working! 

I added these lines to /etc/profile (get executed during login)


if ! [ -d  /home/${USERNAME}/.openoffice.org2 ] ; then
	echo " * configure OpenOffice "
	mkdir -p  /home/${USERNAME}/${USER_OPENOFFICE_FOLDER}/Office
	cp -f ${OPENOFFICE_SETTINGS}/Linguistic.xcu /home/${USERNAME}/${USER_OPENOFFICE_FOLDER}/Office/
	chown -R ${USERNAME}  /home/${USERNAME}/.openoffice.org2


I case the folder .openoffice isn't existing the files get copied in the right user folder. So comparing to your solution, the users are able change the settings!


On Mon, 6 Aug 2007 09:25:29 -0700, wrote john:
> Hi Phillipp,
> A lack of a master config or a "apply for all users" switch for OO
> is a major fault with OO in my opinion. I've ended up creating a
> template instance of OO with all the correct settings and then
> brute force copying it over the top of user settings at log in.
> This means they can't save any personal settings for OO, but I
> haven't found a better way yet. Maybe someone else here can give us
> a better method. Below is a snippet that I put into the file
> /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default to accomplish the task:
> #creates the directories ahead of time so that the following
> scripts always have a place to go, otherwise you have to wait until
> the user opens and closes OO once
> sa=/home/STUDENTS/$u/.openoffice.org2/user/registry/data/org/openoffic
> e/
> sw=/home/STUDENTS/$u/.openoffice.org2/user/registry/data/org/openoffic
> e/Office/ sy=/home/STUDENTS/$u/.openoffice.org2/
> mkdir -p $sa
> mkdir -p $sw
> #copies msformats from template file to users home directory, but
> only works after #OO has been opened once
> cp -f /var/oofficeDefaults/Setup.xcu
> /home/STUDENTS/$u/.openoffice.org2/user/registry/data/org/openoffice/S
> etup.xcu
> cp -f /var/oofficeDefaults/Common.xcu
> /home/VANGUARD/$u/.openoffice.org2/user/registry/data/org/openoffice/O
> ffice/Common.xcu
> chown -R $USER $sy
> What a messy kludge!
> HTH,
> John
> On 8/4/07, Philipp Hanselmann <philipp at> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I will define some default configurations in OpenOffice, which
>> should be vailid for all user. For example the measurement units
>> in calc/writer should be cm instead of inch.
>> For me it looks like I have to find the default templates in
>> writer/calc and open these template with OpenOffice and save it
>> to the right place.
>> After that, if you open a new writer document the settings get
>> applied. But the question is, which templates get used by default?
>> Or is there an other way?
>> Philipp
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