Student Control Panel Mods/Suggestions

Kai Wüstermann k.wuestermann at
Fri Aug 3 13:39:47 BST 2007

Moin Gavin and Scott!

Am Freitag, den 03.08.2007, 09:41 +0100 schrieb Gavin McCullagh:

> > I've seen some back and forth with the printers thing, and IMHO, this
> > isn't really part of LTSP.  The same way setting up desktop defaults
> > really isn't part of LTSP either.  Really, this should be part of the
> > cups printing subsystem.
> Perhaps you're right that it shouldn't be in LTSP, but I'm not clear that
> cups can be expected to figure out which thin client you're on.

I don't think so. Why are any printer-settings in lts.conf? There you
tune the hardware. 

To get/set the address of the printer which should be used on a special
client is only a problem of thin clients. Fat clients or stand alone
machines set the printer for all users. Using ~/.cups/lpoptions is only
a trick.

Kai Wüstermann

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