printers on thin clients

Stefano Rivera ubuntu-edubuntu-devel at
Mon Sep 18 21:01:02 BST 2006

Hi Jonathan (2006.09.18_18:54:33_+0200)
> I had another hack, where I installed cups server in the LTSP chroot and
> configured it to listen only on the thin client that has the matching
> configured IP address.

My method for this is to turn the thin-client into a jet-direct style
server with inetd:
9100 stream tcp nowait lp /bin/dd dd of=/dev/usblp0

Then I give them a static IP address by DHCP, and point the central cups
server at them as if they were jet-direct printers.


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 794 7937   C: +27 72 419 8559

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