Timetable software

Niko Lewman niko.lewman at edu.hel.fi
Sun Oct 1 10:26:19 BST 2006

Hi Raffaella,
I have used two different ones, but I think http://gtablix.homelinux.org/ is 
the better one. It is a lot of work to put all your teacher's, rooms, 
students etc. in, but once that is done it really makes a difference. Our 
school is a medium size one, only 400 students and some 50 teachers, it took 
about a day to put all the data in and the next day to learn about the 
different variables! So try that one out

all the best,
Niko Lewman
Teacher | Luokanopettaja
Ressu Comprehensive School
Ressun Peruskoulu
Tel. +358931082108
Fax. +358931082116
P.O.Box 3107
FIN-00099 City of Helsinki
Skype: lewmnik
Gizmo: Ubuntero

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