Presentation and LTSP support request

Cedric Janssens cedric.janssens at
Sun Nov 5 14:27:32 GMT 2006

> > 2/ In my AMD I have only one network card. Edubuntu 6.10 claims to run
> > Out-of-the-box on a server with two cards. Is this mandatory ? I don't
> > want to add a card in my AMD if not needed.
> >
> I believe that it is required.  The problem comes in with DHCP - your
> Linksys router likely provides a DHCP server, and your AMD box gets its
> IP address from that router.  To boot, the LTSP clients need to obtain a
> DHCP lease from the LTSP box - in your current configuration, though,
> they would get their address from the wireless router.  Also, your AMD
> box cannot be a DHCP server and a DHCP client across the same physical
> connection.  With two network cards, one is the server interface (to
> handle connections to the thin clients), and one is a client interface
> (allowing access to the Internet connection for all connected devices).


Thanks for your answer

In fact despite the logic, my router does not have DHCP enabled cause
I need several port forwarding. So all my clients have Static IP and
the DHCP of the router is disabled.

The question is to know if this is the only limitation.

The strangest thing I read is that in 6.06 version, the 2 cards
solution is hard to do... (so a one card should be ok ?)


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