local disks

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Thu Aug 17 12:34:55 BST 2006

On Do, 2006-08-17 at 12:27 +0100, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> I guess this is effectively like mounting with the sync option?  Sounds
> like a good idea.  Though it's not entirely optimal for disk lifetime, it's
> what users expect.  Are USB keys mounted with the noatime option?
well, the sync option has some problems with writing stuff to disk in
time for vfat devices (the majority of usbsticks i guess), for the
noatime question, is scott the better guy to answer (he wrote ltspfs)
if its not usedd, it should be trivially to implement ;)

> > unlike the ltsp.org implementation, we can use the existing ssh tunnel
> > for bus messages to the users session so the whole overhead ltsp.org has
> > with the separate lbus system isnt needed. additionally we just mount
> > in /media instead of the users desktop (as ltsp.org does), through that
> > lower level handling it will be completely desktop independent and XFCE
> > and KDE will *just work* as well as GNOME ;)
> That sounds really cool.  Does it switch between mounted rw and mounted ro
> or does it completely unmount it?  Also, presumably the desktop icon
> appears when the object is plugged in, not when the device is mounted?
the user doesnt see at all if its mounted or unmounted it always mounts
rw in a dir owned by him/her with 0700 permissinons, the underlying
device mount on the thin client will specify the actual mode.
in the low level its a real unmount with a real sync to the disk to
avoid dataloss.


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