local disks

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Thu Aug 17 11:57:22 BST 2006

On Do, 2006-08-17 at 11:44 +0100, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> This sounds great.  Does this mean you plug it in and mount it by hand or
> is it likely to hotplug and pop up automatically in 6.10?
even better, it automounts and you can just unplug it, no
mounting/unmounting will bother the user here.

we use the ltspfs implementation from ltsp.org as base, the part that
runs on the client unmounts the device automatically if there was no
data traffic for 2 seconds, the part in the users session doesnt see the
unmounting and triggers the daemon on the client to mount again if there
is traffic again. so it stays totally transparent for the user and the
data is secure (indeed you shouldnt unplug while a progressbar for a
copy operation is showing on your desktop, but that would break in the
same way in a mount/umount setup ;) ).

unlike the ltsp.org implementation, we can use the existing ssh tunnel
for bus messages to the users session so the whole overhead ltsp.org has
with the separate lbus system isnt needed. additionally we just mount
in /media instead of the users desktop (as ltsp.org does), through that
lower level handling it will be completely desktop independent and XFCE
and KDE will *just work* as well as GNOME ;)

more info on ltspfs is on


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