gromerotw at
Fri Aug 4 15:23:10 BST 2006
Thanks for your mail.
I have to mention that I have tried the same setup
with redhat 9.0. I have sound out of the thin clien
speaker when I use wavesurfer. I guess that I'm
missing some package or a configuration somewhere.
--- Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 04 Aug 2006, guillermo wrote:
> > I have reinstalled ltsp with i386 and everything
> went fine. In the
> > clients machines I have sound out of my little
> softwares and xmms is
> > working fine. The lts.conf is using esd as the
> sound server.(nasd doesn't
> > work)
> So xmms plays through the thin client speakers.
> Very nice.
> > I have installed wavesurfer and gnusound, they
> work but the sound is
> > coming out from the speaker of the server. I 've
> been working around this
> > problem but without any results.
> Sounds like your problem is that wavesurfer and
> gnusound are not configured
> to use the remote esd server (they run on the server
> so by default they may
> connect to the server's sound system). If this is
> the problem you neeed to
> try and configure them to use a remote esd system,
> point them at the thin
> client and they should play through the thin
> client's speakers. This is
> pretty crappy solution though as next time you login
> on a different thin
> client you'd need to reconfigure again.
> I suspect there's a more robust way to do this for
> all programs via an
> environment variable (you can probably modify
> $DISPLAY). Justin Mason's
> page suggests that you should be able to set
> ESPEAKER. My guess (though I
> don't have edubuntu to hand) is that ESPEAKER is set
> already on the thin
> clients but those applications are ignoring it --
> either because they don't
> support esd at all or because they don't pay
> attention to the ENV var.
> The latter at least should possibly be reported as a
> bug to the developers.
> If they don't support esd you probably can't use
> them on thin clients.
> Gavin
> --
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