Menu editor and LTSP clients

Marc Gariépy mgariepy at
Mon Aug 20 19:54:29 UTC 2012

Hello Tony,

this is a bug in gnome-menus that prevent getting the right path for games.

Can you send me the environment from a user session and the generated
tar.gz from edubuntu-menueditor?


Marc Gariépy

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Anthony J. Weaver Jr. <
anthony.weaver at> wrote:

> We setup LTSP fat clients with Edubuntu 12.04.  We added several users and
> they are able to login on the clients.  Now we are trying to lockdown
> certain menu items using the menu editor/profile editor, but it does not
> seem to be working.  We remove certain items like games or science but they
> still show up in the menu both on the client and on the server (i.e., if we
> use the user login on the server).  We are using gnome fallback for the
> interface.  Is there a problem with menu editor and Gnome fallback or are
> we missing something (and yes we did try rebuilding the image after making
> changes, but it still did not work)?  Thanks for your help.
> Tony
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