Edubuntu Maverick Packaging Work

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at
Wed May 12 14:35:50 UTC 2010

Hi, here's a dump of the discussion from the packaging session at UDS
today. We'll probably put together something nice at some point:

= UDS Session - 12 May 2010 =

Spec page:
Related spec (schooltool):

Purpose of meeting: create plan for education packages that need
attention in Maverick.
Packages to discuss:
 * Moodle
 * Schooltool (needs a bunch of Zope dependencies, didn't make it in
time for Lucid, a session on maverick-zope-packages running right now,
not sure if it's directly related)
 * Sugar (currently in Ubuntu, some packages are 0.88 and some are 0.86
and may need to be updated, if someone could provide some clarity on
that it would be great)

If there's time, we could perhaps discuss the possibility of an
edubuntu-server task.


 * Administration & gradebook tool
 * Magnus will maintain all zope3 packages in Ubuntu, so zope shouldn't be a
   problem from here on
 * In the next 6 months, hopefully 25 schools in Cambodia, perhaps
nationwide by
 * Also working with schools in Zambia, El Salvador

== Edubuntu Server Task ==

 * Could include packages like schooltool
 * Not necessarily on Ubuntu Server disc (depending on space)
 * Perhaps on text installer on Edubuntu DVD?(sorry can't hear so nice
with skype)
 * Task in net installer can be done first

== Moodle ==

 * Debian has orphaned the project:
 * Debian had a redesign of Moodle packaging in git but basically task
was too
 large to be finished
 * Simplify scope, depend on postgres
 * If someone really wants separate db server or using mysql or
something else, they
   need to wait until we get the workable package first
 * Will upstream be willing to provide security updates for 4-5 years in
 * Pick version for Lucid & Squeeze that can be maintained for that time
 * Having moodle-scripts could possibly be more work than packaging it
   and generally a bad idea (think flash plugin)
 * What version is Canonical using?
 * jbicha will contact Tomek to see about packaging progress

== Sugar ==

 * Contact Ubuntu Sugar team, get update on current Sugar status

== Other Packages ==

Touch-screen / smarboard tools: (I didn't quite get the names please
 * journal
 * xournal

Future perhaps (radar):

School Interoperability Framework (SIF) (

== QIMO ==

* mhall119 will create a gnome-based session that we could ship on the DVD

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