Helping new users with setting up Edubuntu server

ps ps at
Sun Jun 20 00:55:18 UTC 2010

David, perhaps we can go about it in a step-by-step way: first see that 
all interested parties get 10.04 up and running - including the LTSP 
part (it seems that many still have problems with that, as we did when 
we first installed the system).

Then gather feedback about the system, i.e. what works and what doesn't, 
what should be added/developed (like my bullet point wish list).

The vision for the system should include that the system is useful for 
all schools and optimally supports teachers and students alike in their 
job of teaching and learning; thus, access to the personal desktop 
should eventually be possible from any point on the globe. The system 
should also help create an awareness that, even though the system is 
todays cutting edge technology, it is still in its infancy and that the 
users can and should influence the course of future development.

I will try to check in at the next meeting.


David Groos wrote:
> Paul,
> Upon creating the page, I'll race you to copying and pasting these 
> bullet points on the page!  But seriously, what should be on the page?  
> I'm a newcomer--only been here a couple of years and pretty much only 
> active on the irc and mail lists during the summer months.  I'll try to 
> get to the next meeting as per the wiki info on the meeting:
> {i} The Edubuntu team meets on IRC in the #ubuntu-meeting channel.
> For more information on IRC and how to join this IRC channel, please 
> refer to the Edubuntu contact <> 
> page.
>     * Meetings take place every Wednesday at 19:00 UTC
>     *
>       Meeting times are published on The Ubuntu Fridge:
> (NOT 20:00!) and get some more perspective on this.  Also all, please 
> add some perspective here for all to see.  I know there are many members 
> who have many hundreds of hours contributing to this community/project.
> David
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 1:35 AM, ps <ps at <mailto:ps at>> 
> wrote:
>     Dear Belinda & David
>     My suggestions for the Edubuntu/Debian/LTSP Vision:
>     - installation to be done in simple, logical steps;
>     - easy to install the basic system (the current Debian/Ubuntu
>     installer should be worked over so that all parameters can be
>     entered in one go and the rest of the installation happens
>     unattended - like PC-BSD);
>     - one easy step to add the LTSP parts, including NX or similar;
>     - easy setup/integration of group-oriented tools/programs (e.g. VNC,
>     moodle, etc.) in a coherent "School Configuration" tool;
>     - creation of an admin/teacher tool with which you can do the
>     essential admin jobs for a school, e.g. install/delete users, change
>     rights of users to certain services/programs, open/close
>     internet/chat/skype/etc access for individual users,
>     setup/maintenance of a website blacklist, monitoring of individual
>     users progress, choose applications for LocalApps, etc.
>     Most of the above can be put together from existing building blocks.
>     What is needed is some brainstorming - by active users - about what
>     makes sense. The final product should be streamlined with an
>     intuitive look-and-feel; the user interface should be
>     self-explanatory (remember what Bill G. said: the more stupid the
>     users can be, the larger the market; it's an ugly way of putting the
>     harsh facts). Teachers don't usually want to be sys-admins, their
>     strengths lie elsewhere; the system should support them in what they
>     do well!
>     Regards,
>     Paul
>     PS: We have built and used an LTSP System for the past 5 years and
>     have accumulated a lot of experience in this direction).

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