Ideas and support for a new Edubuntu based Portal Server

Veli-Matti Lintu veli-matti.lintu at
Sun Jan 24 20:50:16 UTC 2010

su, 2010-01-24 kello 16:30 +0100, Jörg Sawatzki kirjoitti:
> Hey folks,
> after talking to some people in #edubuntu on freenode, I thought it
> might be a good idea to share my thoughts and ideas with you on this
> mailinglist as well.
> First of all, my name is Jörg and I am freelancing as a software
> developer here in the Northwest of Germany. I mostly work for the
> regional media centre and the state's government to develop new ways to
> use the internet and new technologies in schools. A lot of schools here
> are running some proprietary portal server which is not only quite
> expensive but lacks a lot features and simply isn't "state of the art"
> anymore (check out if you speak German).
> I have written a short blueprint for a new open source project that I'd
> like to start and would like to ask you to review it and give me your
> thoughts, ideas and feedback:


Here in Finland there's a project called "Avoin koulu" (Open School)
that deals with some of the issues here. The goal is to provide a set of
ten features needed in schools. At first stage the features are provided
using existing open source tools packaged together. The project is done
in collaboration with COSS (The Finnish Centre for Open Source
Solutions) and three companies.

Unfortunately the project pages are available only in Finnish:
* Demo site:
* Documentation site:

The features are described here:

The list translated is:

1. Authentication server OpenLDAP / Fedora Directory Server
2. Email (Zimbra)
3. Calendar (Zimbra)
4. Personal home directories + file sharing (Zimbra)
5. Remote teaching + remote collaboration (Openmeetings)
6. IM: Openfire with Jabber protocol
7. Collaboration tool Elgg
8. Backups
9. Home page tool: Elgg/Moodle
10. Print management: CUPS + Pykota

The installation documents might be useful without mastering the finnish
language ;)

I have not been involved in the project personally, but I can try to
help with the stuff. I'm currently working on some separate user
management issues that should make running also these tools easier:


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