Please help!! SCIM not working correctly under ubuntu 8.04/LTS

john lists.john at
Mon Sep 21 22:29:51 UTC 2009

Hello all,

I am having trouble with SCIM. I have enabled Japanese Language support

But Japanese character input isn't working and the Japanese instructor
at our school is getting grumpy!

I am using GNOME so my understanding it that SCIM should work
correctly on 8.04 out of the box.

The SCIM icon doesn't show up on the taskbar and I am not able to use
SCIM-anthy to input japanese characters in Firefox or OpenOffice. I am
able to input Japanese characters in "Text Editor" but only if I right
click after opening a document and select Input Methods > "Scim Bridge
Input Method".

HOWEVER, if I log out and choose Languages > Japanese I can log in
with the full Japanese Desktop and SCIM correctly allows me to input
Japanese characters into Firefox, Open Office etc. I can also switch
between English, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji.

The problem with this approach is that the 100 or so students who are
taking Japanese won't be familiar with the full Japanese Desktop
(include Kanji, katakana they don't know etc) and Linux wants to
rename drives under ~ with Japanese characters, which is not good for
our purposes.

Can somebody help me sort out getting SCIM to behave correctly under
the English language desktop please.

I would really appreciate your insights!


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