Meeting Logs

Ace Suares ace at
Mon Sep 7 16:58:42 UTC 2009

Hi Jordan,

I am glad we are moving on these issues... I felt a bit alone and in the
dark the past month or so.

Just reacting on one small point now:

> The thing is I think we need to make more use of the general
> /Edubuntu/ namespace. WikiSite makes sense to me for stuff that's
> specifically *for* the wiki. Things like headers, includes, and
> planning pages for cleanup, etc. seem appropriate.

I personally favour the /Edubuntu space myself; but it's such a darn
MESS that it's almost impossible to work in that space itself without
getting tangled in cruft and orphaned redirects.

I really need to write something up first before we discuss furter.

Now on to installing a Untangle firewall at the training room, and
organizing software freedom day. Bear with me.


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