
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at
Tue Oct 20 07:28:34 UTC 2009

Hi Jordan

Jordan Mantha wrote:
> generation of Edubuntu leaders and contributors to arise. With the new
> DVD-based release I think Edubuntu is starting to regain some
> developmental footing. What is needed is new enthusiasm, new ideas,
> and fresh hands to make it happen.

I agree, and thanks for all that you have done to make it possible. It's
quite common knowledge that Edubuntu wouldn't exist anymore today if it
wasn't for your work the last 3 years.

> Between now and the 29th I'll be working on some roadmapping that
> might prove useful for future Edubuntu contributors and leaders. I'm
> also encouraged by the progress the Edubuntu Council has made and hope
> that the forthcoming elections will bring in a new wave of enthusiasm
> and contribution to it.

We probably need to do the EC elections ASAP.

Thanks for everything you've done in Edubuntu, and also for all the
personal guidance and advice you have given over the years!


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