Edubuntu DVD daily builds available for testing

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Thu Oct 15 04:12:59 UTC 2009

Hi all,

For about a week or so the daily Edubuntu DVD builds ( ) have had a broken
text-based installer. The Live installer worked fine but the
text-based installer gave a fatal error just after partitioning. I'm
happy to report that Colin Watson has fixed the issue and as of the
20091015 build everything should be in working order again.

So please please please, download the DVD and test out as much as you
can. I'm especially interested in what happens if you don't have an
internet connection and making sure that the LTSP install goes OK. We
want to have for karmic:
   1) installing a standalone Edubuntu workstation from the Live installer
   2) installing a standalone Edubuntu workstation from the text-based installer
   3) installing a LTSP server from the text-based installer
   4) installing an Edubuntu server (basically just Moodle at this
point) from the text-based installer

Thank you all for your work and support this release, it looks like
Karmic might be shaping up.


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