Meeting Minutes - 2009.10.09

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Sat Oct 10 04:34:19 UTC 2009

Here are the meeting minutes for the October 9th meeting:

Attendees: LaserJock, dinda, sbalneav, highvoltage, alkisg, stgraber

LaserJock started the meeting by reminding everyone that there was
only six days left before Final Freeze in preparation for Release

  * Final Freeze prep
    LaserJock reported that he had reduced the size of the DVD to
2.4GB (down from 4.5 GB one month ago and 3.2 GB at Beta). However,
testing needs to be done on the daily DVD builds [0] to make sure that
necessary or desirable software is not missing. Both the Live and
text-based installers should be full operational and LTSP should be
    - LaserJock is to track present text-based installer breakage.
cjwatson believes that it could be a build script error.
    - stgraber is to look into current iTalc crashes
    - LaserJock is to update edubuntu-docs and edubuntu-artwork
packages to ensure that the proper release version is used.
    - The Edubuntu Council is to draft Edubuntu 9.10 release
announcement and release notes. Hopefully there will be time for
plenty of community feedback before the release.

  * Edubuntu documentation
    There was some discussion of the state of Edubuntu documentation.
sbalneav has been working on an Edubuntu Handbook, which would be
appropriate for printing, but there is little in the way of
topic-based or system documentation for Edubuntu currently. dinda
volunteered to do some doc work during the 10.04 cycle. Documentation
plans, including user documentation on the wiki, website, and shipped
with Edubuntu will likely be discussed during the upcoming Lucid
Ubuntu Developer Summit. If you are interested in helping out please
let us know.

  * Meeting time
    LaserJock will send out a reminder email about the Doodle poll [1]
for a new meeting time or times. After a few days he will send the
results to the edubuntu-devel mailing list for final discussion.


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