Ubuntu students joint marketing project

NĂ©stor nestorac at gmail.com
Fri May 22 22:03:02 UTC 2009

Hello Ben,

I like your idea. I'm sorry I couldn't participate for too long on the

I have one more general idea that is compatible with yours:

Imagine that many students are taking part in this. There are also
teachers, developers... What's the main difference between them?
There's one big difference: their programming skills. Think about
Wikipedia: millions of people participate creating information, but
just a few develop the software that makes this possible.

For Edubuntu, I propose the same: build a strong education framework,
so that people can easily put their information on it and share it.
This information would make the difference from Ubuntu. Until now,
only little projects have arised, and there's too little information
for students. A young girl needs an easy interface, with little
options to lose her time with, and many filters to not see content for
adults, for example. Parents will always be there. The main goal
should be to teach young people about many things, including Freedom
of Information. This would make the difference, because older people
have already developed an opinion, and they're not usually receptive.
But children like freedom, well, we were all free when we were little.
Then comes "education" and we lose some of our freedom, sometimes
because of spurious interests.

I have some examples:

- Creating an interface for Mediawiki sites, like Wikipedia, to use it
as an encyclopedia easy for children, for example.

- Put Firefox a filter for children, and give parents control on what
they see. They must be protected until they are prepared to face the
"real" world.

- Develop an engine for easy building of multimedia applications
out-of-the-box. Only few programming skills should be required. That
way, teachers could make their own tutorials, with sound, texts,
video, and so on, and share them. Until now, advanced programming
skills are required for a basic multimedia application on GNU/Linux.

So there would be two different groups working one for another:
developers of software, and developers of information.

Please, share your opinions!!


On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Ben Crisford <ben at freeyourpc.tk> wrote:
> Hey,
> I thought perhaps the edubuntu team could work on a marketing campaign
> alongside the ubuntu students team.
> I believe that using students to market a project for students, will have a
> much bigger impact than anything else I can think of.  As a student myself I
> know that if I saw someone of my own age, complimenting, and working on a
> project such as this, I would certainly look in to it, as i'm sure many
> poeple would.
> As a member of both teams I will be happy to co-ordinate this project and
> act as a liason between the students and edubuntu team.
> I encourage you to give me some opinions and suggestions.  And if you are
> interested in getting involved then please say so.  Remember we will need
> people from both teams in order for this project to work out.  I will also
> be contacting the students team members.
> Regards,
> Ben
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