which release to use?
Sameer Verma
sverma at sfsu.edu
Mon Jan 12 18:37:27 UTC 2009
Hello everybody,
We've had a LTSP lab for a while now, but it runs on Gutsy. We are
planning to redo the server with a newer base and try out the
fatclient setup.
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPFatClients What I'd
like to ping the community on is whether to use Hardy (8.04 LTS) with
backports or use Intrepid (8.10). Our main reason to look at Hardy is
the LTS aspect. I am sendingthis to the devel list first because we
probably have more people here who know subtle differences in
implementation across releases.
Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
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