Homeschool & Edubuntu [cross-posted]

JD Barrett davisbarrett at
Sat Jan 10 21:05:37 UTC 2009

Hey all,

I work with a group of homeschooling parents interested in the use of
Edubuntu (myself included).  Generally we are local to the Portland, Oregon
area but there are members beyond that.  Initially we started working on an
article for a linux e-mag (which we're still working on) but it's kind of
grown from that.

Eons ago, when rocks were soft and dirt was new, I had heard that the school
systems of Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands were exploring the use of
Linux as a completely integrated system between students, teachers, and
parents.  A more recent search digs up no further information, so we're kind
of going it alone at this point.

If you have any links, information, or wish to participate in the yahoo
group directly please either respond to this list or feel free to join us at to help out.  This group is not just
open to Portland, Oregon area homeschoolers, or even homeschoolers.  If you
are comfortable, please post this notice (or one of your writing) in other
groups that you feel might find it useful.

I find it interesting the correlation between the ethos of the Linux
community and the ethos of the Homeschooling community.  Some might
mistakenly believe them to be opposite forces, assuming Linux to be liberal
and Homeschoolers to be opposite (or vice versa), but a closer examination
will show that their core goals are quite similar.

Jimmy Barrett
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