edubuntu install question

Daniel Villarreal youcanlinux at
Fri Aug 21 19:40:43 UTC 2009

On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 09:20:49 -0700 Howard Kiyuna <howard at>
> I recently bought the HP mini's with "mi" on it.  The command line is gone
(not that I would know how to use it...)  and I tried to add software and
> most of the tabs such as "education" are blank.
> HP says that's the way it is.  I have access the the Touchsmart design
team but I didn't want to bother them with this one.
> Can I add the edubuntu software without doing a full install of edubuntu.
If I can keep "mi" I would like to for now.

Have you joined the edubuntu-users mailing list ? I subscribe to it and look
forward to seeing you there, if you care to.

Several ways to do this.
Easiest is to "System -> Administration -> Synaptic Packet Manager" - click
on Search,  search for edubuntu, in the search bar enter Edubuntu, and click
Search. Then you can choose what you want.


You can look at Applications, then Add/Remove, you should see an education
section there.

To adjust the menu, you can go to System -> Preferences -> Main Menu - and
decide what shows up.

It can be a little intimidating to use the command line, but when you see
how it really can save time, you might want to get into it.

Daniel Villarreal

I'm in the process of putting up a new web site and it will have screen
captures of the edubuntu installation parameters.
Here's some screen captures here that might help you. I'm hoping to have web
hosting very soon, so this is temporary for now...
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