Jaunty planning meeting for Edubuntu

Caroline Ford caroline.ford.work at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 26 14:33:22 UTC 2008

2008/10/26 Jordan Mantha <laserjock at ubuntu.com>:
> The Edubuntu development team is going to have a planning meeting for Jaunty on
> Wednesday, Nov. 5th, at 18:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. We would like to invite
> anybody interested in Edubuntu, Ubuntu in educational settings, or educational
> software to attend.
> The scope of the meeting will be to get a start on defining project goals and
> areas of development emphasis for Jaunty before the Ubuntu Developer Summit. The
> general areas likely to be discussed are:
>  * Project Roadmap and Strategy
>  * LTSP
>  * Desktop experience (artwork, menus, etc.)
>  * Documentation
>  * Default applications
>  * Building community - development,support,triage,contributor
> You can find the agenda at:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Community/MeetingAgenda

I can't make it I'm afraid as I won't get home from work until 1900 UTC.

Please send my apologies.


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