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lists.john at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 16:49:01 UTC 2008
Hi Akash,
My edubuntu 7.10 didn't server wasn't started by default. As I
remember I had to make changes to /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf which is where
the dhcp daemon is configured for ltsp.
By the way your subject doesn't refer to the problem you're having so
you may wish to re-edit it and send it again.
On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 12:04 AM, <achandra at linuxpresence.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> The current environment I am working in requires an Infrastructure
> setup of Edubuntu 7.10. I have taken a look at both of these guides -
> http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/multiple-server-setup.html
> and
> https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDHCPload-balancingFailover
> to get me started. I specifically began with the second guide, and
> wanted to test with a stand alone box. However, I ran into some
> interesting problems.
> 1) The standalone box upon final installation did not recognize eth0
> for dhcpd, and I had to edit the entry in /etc/default/dhcpd
> 2) I had to add completely re-install ltsp-standalone-server
> 3) Create/copy over a sample dhcp.conf into /etc/ltsp
> This then got me to boot my first client. I am not sure this the
> typical behavior one would/should expect on trying to install the
> standalone?
> Can someone first verify whether I went through the steps to install
> the standalone properly?
> 6) In re-editing the dhcp.conf file in /etc/ltsp
> I added
> failover peer "dhcp" {
> primary;
> address;
> port 519;
> peer address;
> peer port 520;
> max-response-delay 30;
> max-unacked-updates 10;
> mclt 3600;
> split 128;
> load balance max seconds 3;
> }
> along with the other directives as shown in the above guide. However,
> my client no longer booted, and I basically stopped there. (I didnt
> bother to configure the second dhcp-server)
> Can someone help/verify the whether the instructions in the wiki guide
> work on edubuntu 7.10?
> Thanks, Akash Chandrashekar
> --
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