Gusty LTSP Screen Viewer and SSH
ugh ugher
tcpip247 at
Mon Nov 5 18:02:39 UTC 2007
I'm not sure if I should post this here, but I cant
find much info as of yet.
I was using ubuntu Feisty with LTSP, and had the
Screen Viewer and ssh working following these.
For ssh I did what was posed here.
For the screen viewer I did what was posed here
So I upgraded to using Gusty with LTSP. I can no
longer use the screen viewer in the
Thin Client Manager. I installed x11vnc on the thin
client by doing the following
sudo mount --bind /dev /opt/ltsp/i386/dev
sudo mount -t proc none /opt/ltsp/i386/proc
# Make sure that resolv will work iin chroot
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/
Now chroot the /opt/ltsp/i386
sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386
sudo apt-get install x11vnc
I also installed ssh the same way. On Feisty all this
worked. What I have noticed is that on feisty If I
were to vnc to the machine I would do
vncviewer IPAddress:0 (the ipaddress would be the ip
from the dhcp server for the thin client)
And all would be good. Same idea with ssh for example
ssh user at ipaddress. (once again the IP is from the
DHCP server)
Now on Gusty I have found it wants to use the LTSP
servers IP for everything. How can I get this to use
the ip supplied from the dhcp server?
For example say the server has an ip of
and the client has
On feisty I would do vncviewer and vnc
would work. Same with ssh. Example ssh
user at 19...
On gusty to use vncviewer I can only do vncviewer (the server IP)
If I do vncviewer I get unable to
connect to host connection refused (111)
I am using Ubuntu Gusty with ltsp-server
thin-client-manager-gnome openssh-server ltspfs
I am also running a win2003 DHCP server.
Dont know what
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