Edubuntu Installation / Dual Boot Problem

Simón Ruiz simon.a.ruiz at
Mon May 28 13:39:02 UTC 2007

Unusual, but unfortunately not rare.

edubunturockprincess from #edubuntu on has had the
same error and so have I. All, apparently, during an Edubuntu Feisty

Has anyone else noticed that Feisty is a little less stable a final
release than all the previous releases?

I've managed to work my way around issues as they crop up, issues I've
never seen in previous Ubuntu releases, but I wonder how newcomers
would handle all the issues I've dealt with.

Just a thought.

On 5/28/07, Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at> wrote:
> > The installation aborted at 94% prompted by the following error message
> >
> > "The execution of <<grub install (hd0) >> has failed. This is a serious
> > problem" ... something along these lines.
> That's an unusual error alright.
-Simón A. Ruiz

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