Edubuntu Website Team/Management

Will van der Leij will at
Tue May 22 12:37:12 UTC 2007

Hi folks,
Following some talks at UES/UDS about the
website, I thought I'd review (on request) how we structure our website
team in relation to how ubuntu and kubuntu are structured.

Please have a read of the following:
- (bits on websites)

At the moment, Jonathan Carter and Philipp Schröder are both Drupal
admins on our site and also both have shell access to the server. Note
that Matt Nuzum is the team owner for ubuntu and kubuntu websites, it
makes sense that he should at least be an admin on ours, perhaps even
having shell access to our servers (if that is also the case for
k/ubuntu). This should help to keep close synergy between all the
derivative sites.

Any comments?
We need to get moving on working on an edubuntu flavour of Matt's new
Drupal template for Ubuntu.

Will van der Leij

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