Using diskless thin clients with Linux

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Tue May 22 08:12:21 UTC 2007


On Mon, 21 May 2007, Gammill, James wrote:

> Our school has lots of thin clients that I can use with an Edubuntu
> server. They used Windows CE to connect to a Windows server the last
> time they were used. 
> They have no hard disks. Will they need to be modified to connect to the
> Edubuntu server?

It's not clear what you're thin clients actually are.  Without knowing
that, we can't really guarantee anything.  

However, what you should need for an edubuntu thin client is

  - i386 pc hardware
  - 64MB RAM (you might get away with less)
  - Pentium 2 (late P1 will usually work fine)
  - network card that does PXE booting

A hard disk is not required.  What exactly are your thin clients?


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