Edgy+1 : Planning for the next Edubuntu version : Features & Comments & Suggestions

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 15:08:37 UTC 2006

On Wed, 18 Oct 2006, Richard Weideman wrote:

> If you can, please break the comments into:

> * Edubuntu 
>   - the classroom server

I made a suggestion a week or two ago on this list that there should be two
ssh instances by default, (email subject "secure ssh set up on edubuntu")
one for general access on tcp port 22 and another on a different port (or
ip, I suppose).  This is not so much a user-level feature as a way to
tighten up the security of the ssh daemon which is installed by default.  I
can resend if you like but it's in the archive.


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