Congratulations and Happy Release Day to all

Jane Weideman janew at
Thu Oct 26 13:31:19 UTC 2006

Hi all,

Sorry that I have seemingly 'dropped off the face of the earth', but my
internet access here at my new job is pretty slow and restricted making me
feel very remote and issolated and limiting my ability to contribute much
(at all). I have however been following the mailing lists and reading
planet.u.c etc as much as I can, and still get a warm and fuzzy feeling
every time there is good news and progress.

So I just wanted to let you all know that I am thinking of you all and
smiling today as ed/k/z/(etc)/ubuntu 6.10 is released.

And I have an inexplicable urge to bake a cake... ;)

3 cheers to all those that contributed to Edgy, from what I have seen it
looks wonderful. I am keeping an eye on OSDir (screenshots) and Distro

Warmest regards

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