Linux as a platform...

Dominic Webb dominic.webb at
Tue Oct 10 18:15:11 UTC 2006

Hi Simon,
	I think your right about strength in numbers.

I ask the question as something of a temperature take on how the
community views Edubuntu going forward. 

I think there are significant areas/issues that Edubuntu does not
address, that no FLOSS project, Linux project or (UK perhaps even
global) vendor addresses. 

I think most of these issues go to proprietary, licensing and business
issues and to date I see no answers forthcoming other than "head in
sand...pretend its not happening". 

For example how does one address the issue of audio/video codecs?
Without the licensing the -ugly stuff in say Gstreamer, a UK school will
have little if any access to a lot of content they have already

What is the answer here? License codecs, lobby governments...if so lobby
them for what? If its licensing can collective purchasing power not work

I can tell you that not having an answer/work around, in the UK, is a
deal breaker that will keep adoption to zero/low single digits!

Perhaps this is a discussion that should start under a different thread;
nonetheless I'd still be interested to see what peoples answers are to
my original question.


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