Testing edubuntu edgy beta

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 3 11:03:56 UTC 2006

Am Dienstag, den 03.10.2006, 10:48 +0100 schrieb Reiner Schmid:
> Hello
> I have tested the new functions of edubuntu edgy beta
> It is now very comfortable to use the local devices of a client, 
> specially usb-sticks. Also the possibility to start and to stop 
> programms on all clients directly by a teacher tool is a good feature.
> The new wallpaper is more suitable for "older" students. Also the login- 
> and the logout-sound is a ear candy.
> Thanks for the work, specially for ltsp-work
> I hope there is a good and easy and safe possibitiy to upgrade from 
> edu-dapper to edu-edgy
thanks a lot for the feedback, i'm about to sort the last glitches with
upgrades during the next days (some things in the ltsp-server package
and client boot paths changed that have no clean upgrade path yet, apart
from that all upgrades should be fine)

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