Feature request: Session time-limit?

Jordan Erickson jerickson at logicalnetworking.net
Tue May 30 19:41:36 UTC 2006

Hey all,

I'd like to know how feasible a 'session time-limit' feature would be
for integration into Edubuntu/Gnome. I did some apt-cache search'ing and
found "timeout" and "timeoutd" - these might work and might be easy to
integrate into, say, the 'Edit Users/Groups' GUI as a simple checkbox
that interfaces with the program (Check here to limit session length,
and enter how long).

This was actually a direct suggestion from my customer when I was
setting up my first Edubuntu LTSP network a few months ago - they are a
nation wide, non-profit after school program for kids, in a lab type
environment where there are many more kids than computers (and they are
so addicted to Edubuntu the staff has to keep track of who is on and for
how long manually).


Jordan Erickson
Owner, Logical Networking Solutions - "We'll make it work."

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