Lab model vs. standalone computers

Jane Weideman janew at
Thu Mar 16 12:45:05 UTC 2006

Hi Susan,

On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 13:17 -0800, Susan Addington wrote:
> I read parts of the Cookbook, and have some questions about the part
> on setting up a lab.
> At my university, the computer lab model (thin client and server)
> doesn't work too well. I teach math, not programming, so I don't need
> to use the computers all the time. Space for labs and scheduling
> become problems: reserve time in the lab (which is often in a
> different building), get all the students to remember to go there, not
> the usual classroom, etc. And many, if not most, of the students have
> a (desktop) computer at home. I assign computer homework sometimes. 
> I'm thinking of trying to get funding for a mobile computer lab
> consisting of a rolling card of laptops.

I know HP has a mobile cart solution like this and AFAIK it would work
well with Edubuntu - er providing wireless LTSP access works. Does it? I
have no idea?

I get you could have a nest of ethernet cables coming out of the cart if
necessary ;)

I don't know much more about it, but could find out, if necessary.

>  This way every classroom can become a computer lab. And the
> university has thought about requiring students to buy their own
> laptops in the future, so that labs aren't even required anymore. 

It's a good idea, the cart is also fairly secure itself, and can be
wheeled into a strong room for storage when extra security is required.

> Any comments on using Edubuntu in this type of setup? 

Yes I think it very well could.

> Use the Live CDs, or hand out install CDs to everyone? 

Either way.


> On Feb 28, 2006, at 12:20 PM, jelkner at wrote:
> > Since you mentioned an interest in documentation, I wanted to let
> > you know about the Edubuntu Cookbook at:
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> Susan Addington
> saddingt at, susan.addington at
> Math Department, California State University, San Bernardino
Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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