Where is Edubuntu today?

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Mon Mar 13 17:35:28 UTC 2006

On ma, 2006-03-13 at 18:15 +0100, Trond Mæhlum wrote:
> Unfortunately, Ubuntu ran much slower than FC4.  We
> > think it's because the Ubuntu smp kernel may not support
> > hyperthreading.  I was going to bring this up to the list today
> > anyway. 

(didn't get the original message so I'm hijacking this reply)

There's a flaw in the design of hyperthreading that made it possible to
read data from another process on the same CPU in extremely rare
conditions. Ubuntu disabled hyperthreading in response to that, you can
enable it with a boot option.
Dennis K.
 - Linux for human beings - http://www.ubuntu.com
 - Linux voor normale mensen - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org
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