Web based applications

ksankar at gte.net ksankar at gte.net
Tue Mar 7 19:10:24 UTC 2006


	Excellent insights. We need the trademarked term "Just Works" and like you pointed out "cool stuff into schools in a relatively painless way". Installation and integration aspects are a good opportunity for Edubuntu to address. From my (very) limited exposure, the way to bootstrap might be with a proposal, articulating the concepts, an outline of what needs to be done et al and possibly get it approved for next release. May be, we can start with an outline. Thoughts ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: edubuntu-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com 
> [mailto:edubuntu-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of 
> Miles Berry
> Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 10:08 AM
> To: edubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Web based applications
> Some interesting work's being done at the moment with 
> integrating a number of different web-based applications 
> covering a range of e-learning affordances. For example, Bill 
> Fitzgerald's exploring ways of integrating Elgg and Drupal 
> (with a bit of Moodle thrown in) - see 
> http://www.funnymonkey.com/together-at-last, and rapid 
> progress is being made on Moodle-Elgg integration - see 
> http://elgg.net/news/weblog/8901.html and, for more techie 
> stuff, 
> http://lists.elgg.org/pipermail/development/2006-February/0001
71.html .
> We're hearing more and more about the notion of a Personal 
> Learning Environment (see eg 
> http://headspacej.blogspot.com/2006/02/personal-learning-envir
> and http://www.cetis.ac.uk/members/ple/ but Google will find 
> lots else) which uses RSS to pull together all the resources 
> a learner want to use.
> Exciting stuff, but Leon Cych has, I think sensibly, raised 
> the issue of  how to actually get this cool stuff into 
> schools in a relatively painless way:
> "My main concern at the moment is the fact that so many Open 
> Source systems are needing integration. What is needed is a 
> toolkit for convincing, installation and integration."
> (http://elgg.net/leoncych/weblog/8962.html)
> Well, obviously there's cultural and change management issues 
> here, but I wonder if the installation and integration 
> aspects might perhaps be something which edubuntu could sort 
> out in some future release?
> --
> Miles Berry
> Deputy Head, St Ives School, Haslemere
> http://stiveshaslemere.com
> http://elgg.net/mberry/weblog

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