Web based applications

Miles Berry mberry at st-ives.surrey.sch.uk
Tue Mar 7 18:08:07 UTC 2006

Some interesting work's being done at the moment with integrating a
number of different web-based applications covering a range of
e-learning affordances. For example, Bill Fitzgerald's exploring ways of
integrating Elgg and Drupal (with a bit of Moodle thrown in) - see
http://www.funnymonkey.com/together-at-last, and rapid progress is being
made on Moodle-Elgg integration - see
http://elgg.net/news/weblog/8901.html and, for more techie stuff,
http://lists.elgg.org/pipermail/development/2006-February/000171.html .

We're hearing more and more about the notion of a Personal Learning
Environment (see eg
and http://www.cetis.ac.uk/members/ple/ but Google will find lots else)
which uses RSS to pull together all the resources a learner want to use.

Exciting stuff, but Leon Cych has, I think sensibly, raised the issue of
 how to actually get this cool stuff into schools in a relatively
painless way:
"My main concern at the moment is the fact that so many Open Source
systems are needing integration. What is needed is a toolkit for
convincing, installation and integration."
Well, obviously there's cultural and change management issues here, but
I wonder if the installation and integration aspects might perhaps be
something which edubuntu could sort out in some future release?

Miles Berry
Deputy Head, St Ives School, Haslemere

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