DVD ROMs to Save the Children ICT Projects

Dan McGarry it.psl at fsp.org.vu
Mon Jun 12 21:16:45 UTC 2006

Jason Ryer wrote:
> We would love to accept donated DVD ROM drives for our ICT projects with
> Save the Children. As you can see, we have been looking for a solution to
> get edubuntu up and running in a computer lab where we teach classes and
> having some DVD ROMs will definitely get us going. We will be expanding our
> ICT education initiative to more and more schools and institutions here in
> Bolivia and appreciate your help!

If you'd like to cooperate with NGO projects, especially international 
NGOs, perhaps it would make sense to do so on a more concerted basis. I 
work with Save the Children Australia (among others) here in Vanuatu, 
and I'm nearly certain that they would be very interested in using tools 
like Edubuntu in a structured fashion throughout their operations.

Ig people like this idea, I'd recommend that someone with formal 
standing in the Edubuntu project (i.e. paid staffer) approach Save the 
Children, Oxfam and perhaps the UNDP to see if they would be interested 
in documenting and supporting widespread roll-outs in the developing world.

Sometimes it makes more sense to eat the whole loaf than to take a 
single bite. 8^)

Dan McGarry	it.psl at fsp.org.vu

IT Consultant
Community Communications Project

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