Disabling Hibernate

Alistair Crust alistair at skegnessgrammar.org
Fri Jun 9 15:10:35 UTC 2006

I have an Edubuntu dapper box (workstation only install) that I have
installed ltsp 4.2 on (for LDA reasons its the LTSP.org install, but his
problem is not caused by that choice, be it a bad one or good one?). I
have got our Wyse winterm's working with it after compiling our own
kernel and iniramfs (which we had to rename to initrd for packaging into
an nk.bin) for the odd hardware. But there will be more on this on the
wiki later.

My problem is that the clients boot fine I can log in as a user do every
thing I have to do (have not tested sound or LDA yet, but I digress),
the crunch is when a user goes to System>Quit they are given an option
to hibernate along with switch user, log out and lock screen. logout
works as normal, I havn't tested switch user or lock screen but when the
user clicks on hibernate it hibernates the server and not the terminal.

other than that with 96M ram and the possibility of 64M flash storage
(driver for that still in development)
they work ok now, (so far at least!).

Got a good buy there I think, 152 Wyse winterms for £3.60 each!

I would also like to know if it is possible to compile our own
kernel/initrd for use with the MueKow way of doing things. 

FYI: The wyse winterm's have no PC BIOS but we can boot a kernel and
initrd from the CF card. (again more about this on the wiki later).

Thanks in advance for any help.

Kind regards
Alistair Crust
Systems Administrator 
Skegness Grammar School 
Vernon Road 
PE25 2QS 
TEL: 01754 610000 (ext'852)
FAX: 01754 896875 

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