Edubuntu Website - Update & Decision

Jane Weideman janew at
Tue Feb 21 08:40:52 UTC 2006

Hello everyone,

Please note that the meeting to decide once and for all whether to use
Drupal vs Moin for the Edubuntu web site was held yesterday (Monday 20
Feb 2006).

We heard arguments for and against both Drupal and Moin and in the end
we think they are both worthy and workable solutions, the decision
really came down to who was going to be in charge of making the thing

On that front:
 * Jonathan Carter - highvoltage and
 * Phillip Schröder - pipsl
Have volunteered to be in charge of making the site happen, both for the
initial design and setting up, and on-going maintenance (for at least
6-months). Note: that other volunteers are welcomed! - contact Jonathan.

Both Phillip and Jonathan have expressed a desire to work with Drupal.

Additionally it was noted that while the Ubuntu website [1] and wiki [2]
(and the OpenCD [3]) are running on MoinMoin, Ubuntu's 'Fridge' [4] runs
on Drupal.

It was therefore decided by discussion and unanimous vote that the site
would be set-up using Drupal.

Jonathan has already sent the relevant request to the Sys Admins to get
Drupal installed on the server, and Phillip has created a test site to
begin experimenting with designs and layouts.

The new site will be launched on or before the day Edubuntu 6.04



On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 16:38 +0200, Jane Weideman wrote:
> Hi all,
> The debate has circulated for some time now as to whether we should
> switch to Moin or Drupal for the Edubuntu website and CMS etc.
> We had all but decided on Drupal (with Jonathan and Philipp being the
> main Drupal advocates), when it was discussed and agreed at the Distro
> Sprint and at the 08Feb Edubuntu Dev Update meeting to proceed with Moin
> (Henrik and Mauricio being the main Moin supporters).
> This came up again today in the meeting, and the camp is still pretty
> firmly and evenly divided between the 2 solutions.
> It was suggested that whoever is going to be:
>  - Setting the site up
>  - Maintaining it
> Should get the strongest vote as to which is selected.
> So the decisions that need to be made are:
> 1) Who is going to take ownership of the Edubuntu site?
>  - This includes setting it up on the new system, maintaining it, and
> keeping it secure, keeping it interesting and up-to-date etc.
> 2) Following on from this first decision, will Moin or Drupal be used to
> run the site?
> It was proposed that a meeting be held to address these questions on
> Monday 20 Feb 2006 at 12:00 UTC in #edubuntu. 
> This will allow for final arguments to be heard - feel free to open
> discussions on the mailing list in the interim. Also should you wish to
> provide demos and previews of your solution of choice, in order to sway
> the decision, this will be your time to do that.
> Feel free to discuss any related issues before that as you see fit, and
> if a decision could be made prior to Monday - all the better.
> Regards,
> -- 
> JaneW
> _____________
> Jane Weideman
> mobile: +27 83 779 7800
> Canonical Ltd.
Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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