Edubuntu Cookbook report

Kevin Cole kjcole at
Sun Feb 12 19:31:20 UTC 2006

Herman Bos wrote:
> I would suggest a chapter on which thinclients an be used. Fancy ones,
> normal PC's old computer junk. Differences between PXE and Etherboot.
> Possibilities when machines don't have network bootable cards (Using
> bootCDrom with bootrom, etc.).

Sure.  I think it should open in the most general terms, then get more
specific.  I'd steer away from specific brand names as much as possible.
(If necessary, point to a separate page outside of the cookbook proper,
like perhaps one of the existing hardware compatibility pages, and then
try to populate that page with specific brand thin-client info.)

> I guess you could file it under Hardware requirements, and divide that
> chapter in a client part and a server part. But I don't think real
> instructions for the above are not really suited there.

Hardware requirements would seem to be the logical place, I agree.

> I don't mind to write Hardware Requirement part and if you want I can
> write some side-dishes (or whatever you would call that): Stuff thats
> normally not needed but might be useful based on actual experience of
> real world edubuntu use. For example a way to manage windows software
> (with wine) systemwide.

Side dishes!  I like it.  (And "wine" makes an interesting pun on its

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