Edubuntu Council

Jordan Mantha jordan.mantha at
Wed Apr 26 22:12:26 UTC 2006

Hi all!
   I'd be interested in helping with the Edubuntu Council. I'm fairly
new to Edubuntu itself but I've been around Ubuntu for a while now and
have a growing interest in Edubuntu. I'm an Ubuntu Member, Ubuntu
Documentation Team member, a Universe dev (MOTU), and the leader of
the MOTU Science team. Most of my Ubuntu work is centered around
taking care of scientific/academic apps in Universe/Multiverse. My
main interest in Edubuntu is getting it onto university campuses and
having a good desktop distro for university computer labs and for
science education. Right now I'm a PhD student in Physical Chemistry
at the University of Nevada, Reno (that's in the US ;-) ). You can
find more info if you want at my LP page:

-Jordan Mantha (aka LaserJock)

"That's all very well in practice, but will it ever work in theory?" -- G. Hill
"A tidy laboratory means a lazy chemist." -- Jöns Jacob Berzelius

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