MoinMoin/ new and better features

Mauricio Hernandez mhz.chile at
Mon Sep 26 20:38:40 UTC 2005

Dear listers,

For those of you who always have double thoughts about wiki editing,
especially in MoinMoin sites (like Ubuntu ones), the good news is that
Moin "Usual Suspects" (not me, I am just a messanger, and as in the
movie... "the messenger is not important") have already made big
improvements on the suer GUI, as it is now possible to choose WYSIWYG
Editor or the plain wiki style, all from the normal browsing options.

Soon enough, that stable version (not publicly available yet) will be
the base of the WikiLearn Chilean project (so far called WikiAprende which is aimed to integrate
the generation of offline wiki pages, sharing and syncronization of
many educational wikis and moodle platforms, too.

So, maybe, in a near future we may end up enjoying of an easier way of
editing our Edubuntu and Ubuntu pages. Oh, maybe even DocTeam will end
up using it. :D

Mauricio Hernandez Z.

"Hell is repeating someone else's mistakes" (JPS)

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