Edubuntu and Python education packages and menus...

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Sep 13 16:15:06 UTC 2005

On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 03:56:09PM +0000, jelkner at wrote:
> Oliver asked me to report the gvr issue as a bug on malone, but this not a 
> specific problem, but rather a general one that was never fixed in hoary 
> and which hopefully will be fixed in breezy.

This is in most cases a specific problem.  Most often, the package simply
doesn't provide the .desktop file used to generate the menu entry.

> Sometimes I add a package an it appears on the menu right away.  Sometimes 
> I need to log out and then log in.  Some items, like k3b, seem to appear 
> and disappear with each update.

Could be bug 7078; the file change notification mechanism is used to update
the menus.

> btw.  There issues upgrading from hoary to breezy if you have things like 
> drpython and boa-contructor installed.  I find I need to remove all these 
> packages and then reinstall them to make dist-upgraded systems work.

File bugs in Malone.

 - mdz

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