Thin Client Network Problems

Larry J. Larsen larsenl at
Tue Oct 25 17:45:37 UTC 2005


I have installed Edubuntu 6.10 on a test desk top which I will be using as a
test server. I have another desktop without a hard disk, which is my test
Thin Client. I installed a AOpen EtherNet PCI Adaptor pre-configured
bootable network interface card from Diskless Workstations on the Thin

This card seems to be working correctly because it goes through its testing
and gives all the messages which are described in the documentation.

Then the problem starts. This is what I see on the Thin Client screen. I
hand copied this but I believe I got it correct.

	"Probing...[RTL8139] Found Realtek 8139 ROM address 0x0000
	- ioaddr 0XE400, addr 00:40:F4:CA:53:5A 100 Mbps full-duplex
	Searching for server (DHCP)
	...Me:, Server:, Gateway 192.168.1
	...error: not a valid image
	Unable to load file.

Then it repeats a number of times and then stops.

I am on a DSL Internet connection and I am able to surf the net from this
test server running Edubuntu. I am also running a NETGEAR DSL
Prosafe/Firewall router model FR114P. My modem is an Internet DSL
Spreedstream 5100.

I have been running a four workstation Windows network using this router and
modem for a couple of years. I have disconnected all of the windows
computers from this network for this Edubuntu test.

Can you refer me to a troubleshooting guide which will help me with my
problem or give me some guidance on what to do? I have read much of your web
page site and its documentation, but nothing yet seems to help me with this
specific connection problem.

I sense that I am close and just need some slight adjustments.

I have used a number of other Linux distributions and I like Edubuntu a lot.
I look forward to making a number of single desktop and Thin Client network
installations using Edubuntu.

Thanks in advance.

Best Wishes,

Larry J. Larsen
5034 Eaton Street
Los Angeles, CA  90042-1076
323-550-8504 Office
323-258-2919 Fax
larsenl at

Confidential, Privileged - Attorney Work Product

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