edubuntu desktop

Kevin Cole kjcole at
Wed Oct 12 14:31:54 UTC 2005

jelkner at wrote:
> Why is it that "fun, young and vibrant" means white?  Mark said he
> didn't want to get dragged into a discussion of race, but in the country
> in which I live (the U.S.) such a discussion can not be avoided.  My
> country has a long and sordid history of racism, and a look at what
> played out in New Orleans recently makes clear that racism in my country
> is still *very* much with us.

At first, I wasn't sure what all the fuss was about, being a middle-classed,
white guy, and oblivious to some interpretations of what often seems harmless.
However, I think Jeff makes an excellent point, and looking at it from a
somewhat different angle:  On this side of the pond, it's my impression that
there are more choices for "donated" software than there are in some places
that Ubuntu is being promoted.  (e.g. The Gates Foundation is only too happy
to "donate" Microsoft products.) So, not only is the desktop relevant to the
teachers and students who would be using it, but also to the reluctant school
administrator who is being encouraged to adopt a "different" way of doing
things.  So, it's a marketing decision as well.


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 Kevin Cole                    |  Key ID: 0xE6F332C7
 Gallaudet University          |     WWW:
 Hall Memorial Bldg  S-419     |   V/TTY: (202) 651-5135
 Washington, D.C.  20002-3695  |     FAX: (202) 651-5746

 "Using vi is not a sin. It's a penance." -- St. IGNUcious, Church of Emacs
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