Call for contributions to Edubuntu Documentation

Philipp Schröder philipp at
Thu Oct 6 06:57:42 UTC 2005

Hi Jerome,

I quickly read through 'AboutEdubuntu' and 'EdubuntuReleaseNotes'. I
didn't encounter any typos.

Question: The 'AboutEdubuntu' mentions...

"Mailing Lists"
Will more Edubuntu-specific lists be set up in time for the beta
release, or will it just be the 'edubuntu-devel' one?

Best, Philipp

Jerome Gotangco wrote:
> Hello (Edubuntu) World,
> I'm sending this email to request for contributors for Edubuntu
> Documentation. While it is true that Edubuntu is Ubuntu with some
> extra bells and whistles, Edubuntu has a different goal and thus have
> different documentation requirements. Few people are probably aware
> that I am the only guy doing it at the moment, and its quite
> overwhelming, given the short amount of time as well as the problems
> encountered early on. Not to mention the social issues involved with
> contributing to the Ubuntu Documentation Project's svn server, as well
> as the learning curve for DocBook.
> I've moved what is currently WIP (Work In Progress) in the wiki to
> allow the community to be involved in the writing. It's all located
> at:
> At the moment, we have 3 documents:
> 1. About Edubuntu (done)
> 2. Edubuntu Release Notes (almost done with Ubuntu Release Notes and
> adapt it for Edubuntu, then add Edubuntu-specific issues)
> 3. Edubuntu Cookbook - this book aims to be a comprehensive manual for
> setting up and maintaining Edubuntu. It was adapted from the Tuxlabs
> cookbook and some of the text came from it.
> We're not going to discuss about licensing on these docs (especially
> the cookbook) right now, I'd rather have some input from the community
> first. Since there is a plan to have pressed CDs after release, we
> could probably still have time to include the cookbook into it.
> Once we have good docs in the wiki, we'll port them over to docbook so
> that we'll have a good document source that can be ported to different
> formats as needed (and put it under revision control as well).
> After all, this is our first release, I'm sure we'll improve over time =)
> Thanks again,
> Jerome Gotangco
> jgotangco at | jgotangco at
> GPG: 0xA97B69A0



Philipp Schroeder
DIN15 / Information Architecture & Interaction Design, philipp at

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