Call for testers - Edubuntu 5.10 (Breezy

Ryan Michael kerinin at
Wed Oct 5 18:13:41 UTC 2005

> Depending on your definition of "recent", you might want
> to try Snofrix:
> It was released this summer, with KDE 3.3 and OOo 1.1.3,
> neither of which is especially old. I suggest you try it
> rather than dismissing it out of hand ... ;-)
> Conrad

i would also like to try a liveCD version of edubuntu, but not to decide if
linux is a good idea, but rather to see what edubuntu has to offer and to
provide any feedback on problems i encounter.

there was also some discussion of providing the ability to install on part
of the entire distribution (ie, you could install only the software relevant
to your school), for which i would like to express my support. i plan on
using edubuntu in an LTSP-type environment, so i only need to install a thin
client on most machines - but even the server will only need certain
applications. obviously some packages need to be installed without question,
but it would be nice to choose which of the education-specific packages to

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