[Fwd: TeacherTool]

Jean-Francois CLEMENT Jean-Francois.Clement at univ-brest.fr
Fri Nov 18 12:52:03 UTC 2005

Hi, Ogra

can you explain in few lines how install on breezy ? put the link in 
sources.list ?


Oliver Grawert wrote:

>On Fr, 2005-11-18 at 12:13 +0200, Jane Weideman wrote: 
>>TeacherTool or TeachersPet already available or not? I couldn't finde the 
>>package.  I would be very interested to test it for the computer net in my 
>as i mentioned in another mail to this list, an early version that
>finally works with our ltsp implementation is packaged under the name
>student-control-panel and available in ubuntu dapper, if you want to
>help improving it, a bzr archive is here:
>	oli

Jean-François CLEMENT
I.3.S - LaTIM Inserm U650

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