Lighter Window Managers

Colin J McDermott colmcd at
Wed Nov 9 11:00:59 UTC 2005

Just to throw in my two cents.

I think that if you want to really nail things down then I don't know if 
fluxbox will do. Sure you can limit the options down, but it is not 
intuitive. If you want a menu system then it would be better to use 
icewm as you at least have a start menu bar that would allow for easy 
migration of Windows users to linux. Hey you could even have it hang 
down from the top if you wanted them to be trained for gnome.

Though I would still do it differently. Idesk is basically just desktop 
icons that are totally static. Just have a task bar and leave these 
icons for people to click.

Just IMHO.

Colin McDermott

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