Edubuntu documentation project now in Ubuntu Documentation svn

Mauricio Hernandez mhz.chile at
Thu Jun 16 03:18:23 UTC 2005

On 6/15/05, Jerome Gotangco <jgotangco at> wrote:
> It has been discussed in various Ubuntu-releated documentation to
> totally erase the barrier for community-contributed documentation but
> this is a long-term goal. If you are familiar with the existing Ubuntu
> wiki, its using zwiki, but is currently moved into Moin and would be
> available in a few hours. If there would be issues with regards to
> doing Edubuntu documentation in DocBook format in SVN, I would be
> happy to hear those views and we'll see what we can do to what we
> currently have.

Yes, and i am very happy for it! :)

AFAIK, some guys from the ubuntu gang are working on a Moin-DocBook
parser which will be great because all we wiki could be "easily"
transformed into DocBook.

DocBook is great but not when coordinating many people working at the
same time on the same docs and needing peer-reviewing, beacuse then
you get forced to a SVN, while when using Moin, we all get notifed,
can read, see changes, see diff, get statistics, revert, use ACL's,
have templates, etc.
Anyways, i am a simple translator and interpreter, and probably have
worked on less collaborative documentations processes than you all, so
whatever you decide it is best choice, that I will try to use.

Mauricio Hernandez Z.

"Hell is repeating someone else's mistakes" (JPS)

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